Picture Resorce: https://www.mitsubishi-motors.co.id/category/news-id/peresmian-mitsubishi-motors-training-center-terbesar-di-asean
On October 30th, 2024, the opening ceremony. of Mitsubishi Motors Training Center, was grandly held in Bekasi, Indonesia. During the ceremony, attendees gathered to share their expectations for the project’s success and future development.
This Mitsubishi Motors Training Center is the largest educational facility in Indonesia, has been established as a venue for MMKSI (Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia) Sales and After Sales Training activity to enhance Dealer staff skills in providing top-level customer service, and will play as a key role in ensuring the readiness to maintain their competitiveness within the rapid challenges in the industry.
Plus PM Consultant has been deeply involved in the project from its early stages, providing consistent support throughout, including site selection, the formulation of the building’s basic concept, and assistance in selecting design and construction contractors. Despite the temporary suspension of the project due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, thorough preparation and cooperation from all stakeholders ensured successful commencement and completion.
Plus PM Consultant will continue to provide reliable management services for projects both domestically and internationally, firmly supporting our clients in realizing their visions.