“What is CIDB?”
“What is CIDB Green Card?
“and How is the situation at construction sites HSE in Malaysia”
Perhaps, some of you do have those kinds of questions and concerns?
Catering to project managers in charge of carrying out construction projects, this website summaries information pertaining to “What is CIDB, what is CIDB Green Card, and the situation at construction sites in Malaysia.
This article is produced by Plus PM Consultant Sdn. Bhd. who provides project management and construction management expertise in construction projects in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The company also provides assistance for companies looking to enter and expand into the ASEAN market.
CIDB and DOSH are both Malaysia Government Agencies that collaborated to enhance improvement in safety and health issues in the Malaysia construction industry, aims to produce more associate action to elevate the construction industry to a higher level.
Because of the moving up the case of the accident more in ongoing construction project. Through this partnership of two strong branches of the Malaysia Ministry, both are cooperating with each other by leveraging on their respective strength and function, with the ultimate goals of improving the overall performance of the construction industry in safety and health.
There has a lot of training programs launched starting from the past years shown their dedication to this campaign
What Is CIDB’?

CIDB: The Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia)is known as abbreviating CIDB and equivalent Malaysia name Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia.
It’s one of the Government agencies in Malaysia, under the Ministry of Works was established under the Malaysian Act 520 1994.
A board stimulates development, improvement, undertakes research, and assists in the export service.
regulating construction industry in conformance of standard in construction workmanship and materials, promote encourage quality assurance, toward achieving global competitiveness, facilitating professionalism function in delivering quality, productive and build sustainability of the environment
The Act 520 spells out CIDB’s functions as listed below:
- To promote and stimulate the developement, improvement and expansion of the construction industry.
- To promote, stimulate and undertake research into any matter relating to the construction industry.
- To promote, stimulate and assist in the export of service relating to the construction industry.
- To advise and make recommendations to the Federal Government and the State Government on matters affecting or connected with the construction industry.
- To provide consultancy and advisory services with respect to the construction industry.
- To promote and encourage quality assurance in the construction industry.
- To regulate the conformance of standards for construction workmanship and materials.
- To obtain, publish, initiate and maintain information relating to the construction industry including the establishment of a construction industry information system.
- To provide, promote, review and coordinate training in the construction industry.
- To register and accredit contractors, to impose any conditions of registrations and accreditation of the contractors and to revoke, suspend or reinstate the registration and accreditation, and
- To register, accredit and certifying building personne and to cancel, suspend or reinstate registration, accreditation and certification of such building personnel.
- Regulating implementation for safe and quality construction work.
- To regulate the implementation of the Industrial Buildings System in the construction industry.
- To manage any complaints or reports made in respect of any failure of construction wok or completed construction work affecting public safety and take appropriate action to handle it.
What Is CIDB Green Card ?
CIDB function basically goes through the Malaysia Law Act 520 was passed on 1994 law as provisions, accredited to the registration of the construction company and personnel, aiming compliance, certification for the construction materials producing process of assessment execution of the building, offering the course of pieces of training toward built of high construction project adopting new generation technologies and knowledge.
Managing all construction companies operating in Malaysia is compulsory in order to register, and also their personnel to take a course to certified with CIDB green card which primary requirement to allow work, to certify that the construction company & personnel are skilled, that can produce work of high quality & productive.
Applicants must be aged 18 years and older. Applicants must attend the Safety Induction Course for Construction Workers or its equivalent According to CIDB Amendment to Act 520- Section 32/33, contractor or personnel without valid CIDB green card may be fined up to RM5,000.
How many accidents are there at the construction site in Malaysia ?
This year (2021) until the month of May as reported to DOSH (Department of Occupation safety & Health) a government agency under the Ministry of Human Resources, 3079 cases were reported officially to the department, 94% resulted in non-permanent disability, 4% with a permanent disability, and 2% suffered on death.
Mainly in constructions firm accelerated cause of accident case is the failure to comply to the procedure and regulation provided by Law of Malaysia. Unsafe method, unsafe equipment, jobsite condition when it has been delay in schedule keep rushing the work that might initiate to step in shortcut process, Management misunderstood the requirement of safety and health, and Human element, non-cooperation of the workers to promote safety platform in a workplace,
Why is CIDB Green Card important? What is the penetration rate?
Definitely, every employee, manager, or supervisor in the construction industry is mandatorily required to undergo a training course prior obtained CIDB green card issued by the organization (CIDB) guarantees that meets, the Government requirement, trained to recognize hazards associated with worksite, education to manage doing best effort on accident prevention.
Important benefits for every personnel having CIDB green card, not only become the competent person or authorized person allowed working at the worksite of the construction industry, instead become the life of registered green card holder secured as well, because every CIDB green card holder are covered by special insurance scheme automatically against death and accidents.
Basically, within Malaysia especially small projects many workers working not having CIDB card especially foreign worker whose are normally holding of insurance under their company, but not good since without CIDB green anyone not entitled to claim insurance which is the standard insurance for the construction industry required by the law.
PM’s social obligation to seek CIDB Green Card at Tender
There is HSE in the scope of PM.
The PM also confirms with the general contractor whether they are using CIDB-trained workers and also has the role of improving the working environment at the construction site.
All relevant parties of the construction industry, involved in the worksite strive to keep important to secure lives against any accident that can cause serious bodily injuries, permanent disability, or resulting death.
Apart from the obligation to be secured all, have to register CIDB and obtain a Green card.
This is because construction personnel who have been certified of their skilled can produce work of high quality, be competent and highly productive, will increase the image of the construction workforce, and attract more to be involved in this line.
In order to protect everyone involved in the project, a third party PM is required to monitor the proper safety activities of the contractor.
Future trends of CIDB for construction sites and future?
Country Malaysia in the stage of NRP (National Recovery plan) of the current situation of the pandemic, CIDB is one of the consulting government sectors which is control and order compliance to the SOP and regulation for all the construction sector and other sectors that are affected by lockdown.
The Covid-19 impact is key opened the general contractors to not fully able carry out their contractual obligation, mainly cause is the shortage of workforce, then, the restriction to not allowing hired of the new workers, especially foreigner. Unless it would comply with the SOP as prescribed, but it could be limited.
During the lockdown, many of the workers losing jobs, or the others are decided to go back to their hometown. In Malaysia, everybody knows that the worker performing general work mostly are foreigners like Indonesian, Myanmar, Pakistan & Bangladesh.
Economy recovery prioritized by each country was in the crisis, Economy recovery mostly prioritized by each country while in the crisis, But on other hand, the safety of the people is the most important at all, where is the great function of CIDB is there to control it.
- CIDB is an Malaysia Government Agencies established by Act 520 in 1994.
- CIDB and DOSH is both are cooperating with each other by leveraging on their respective strength and function, with the ultimate goals of improving the overall performance of the construction industry in safety and health.
- All workers involved in the construction industry may obtain a CIDB Green Card issued by CIDB that meets government requirements trained to recognize site-related hazards in order to do their best to prevent accidents. is necessary
- CIDB Green Card allows workers with CIDB Green Card to receive compensation in the event of an accident such as a disability or death during construction work.
- Project management consultants are also responsible for checking construction companies for CIDB-trained workers and improving the working environment at construction sites.
For those who are considering investment in ASEAN
For those who are considering to invest into Malaysia’s construction market, we at Plus PM Consultant Sdn. Bhd. , are more than happy to utilize our construction management approach in offering our project management services to those interested.
We handle factory construction, condominium construction, hotels, among many others.
In addition to construction, do also consult with us regarding construction consulting affairs across all construction investments.

This article is produced by Plus PM Consultant Sdn. Bhd. based on ASEAN’s local information obtained through news coverage, as well as the links and references stated below.
We go to great length to ensure that the informational contents on this website and article are as accurate as possible. However, the accuracy of the contents of the article is not always guaranteed. Unauthorized reproduction of these contents is not allowed
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